Schweigert Family Photo Album

Photo album containing 50 cartes-de-visite from the photographer, C.G. Blatt of Bernville, PA in the 1870s.
The album was passed down through generations and inscriptions were likely written by Annie R. Schieck, daughter of Henry W. Schweigert.

These portraits found in the Schweigert Family Photo Album depict Henry Schweigert, his friends, and family members. Most of the portraits from the photo album are unidentified, but their inclusion in the photo album is evidence of a strong connection to the family. 

The portraits are examples of the cartes-de-visite trend in the 1860s and 1870s in the United State. The first photo albums were designed to hold the cartes, as collectors needed a safe storage place for their keepsakes. 


April N. Kelley